An Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor
© January 17, 2025
While reading my email subscriptions trying to figure out on what to share on my blogs today, I came across two unrelated emails that produced equal interest to my thinking.
AND SO, I’m going to share them both.
The first email I read I will share second. I suspect more readers will gravitate to the second email which I read.
First up is the Substack post from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World entitled, “COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration”. The 2nd Smartest Guy focuses his post on the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) catching a now former Pentagon contractor having loose lips about Deep Designs to take down President Trump beginning with his Inauguration.
Second up is a Substack post from Mike Adams entitled, “Globalists embrace depopulation and automation: A new economic paradigm?” Frankly, these days I tend to disagree with Adams more often than agree. NEVERTHELESS, the Adams stand against Globalist Elitists designs and agenda toward world domination is something I’m still on board with. The Substack post begins with a 90-plus minute interview with Dane Wiggington which is also a Brighteon Video. The text read is a much shorter endeavor and thus I’m reversing the order in the cross post. I believe at least the first 20-minutes of the video-audio is worth listening to.
JRH 1/17/25
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COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration
By 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
January 16, 2025
Ever since the Intelligence Industrial Complex was unable to steal a second presidential election in a row, they have been desperately pivoting to their treasonous coup d'état contingency planning phase in order to prevent Trump from acceding to power.
These Three-Letter Agencies that comprise the Deep State function as the Fourth Branch of Government, which unconstitutionally controls the other three branches, and now that there is a good chance that they will all be splintered into thousands of pieces and scattered it into the winds they have commenced their clandestine meetings, “to Explore What We Can Do” to ‘Protect People from Trump.’
Except that thanks once again to James O’Keefe’s intrepid undercover reporting, former FBI special agent, former special assistant to Hillary Clinton, and until very recently top Pentagon official Jamie Mannina was exposed for his perfidious scheming to overthrow America:
James O'Keefe X-Tweet (2nd Smartest Guy Photo)
This is precisely what President Kennedy was concerned about; namely, Continuity of Government( COG), in which generals and Deep State apparatchiks like Mannina would institute a fraudulent national emergency psyop in order to ouster a sitting president so that these criminals may maintain their governmental power. In fact, President Kennedy was instrumental in getting the classic movie Seven Days in May made, and he allowed the filmmakers for the first and last time ever to shoot their scenes inside the White House, such was the importance of warning We the People about COG.
Perhaps President Kennedy’s involvement in Seven Days in May staved off the Intelligence Industrial Complex from staging a false flag during his time, which may have led to Lyndon B. Johnson conspiring with the CIA and mobsters to simply just assassinate a sitting president instead of executing a full-on COG operation.
Now that we have a top Pentagon official caught on video discussing his plans for COG, this latest Deep State power grab may have been thwarted, for now…
Rumble VIDEO: OMG - Jamie Mannina (video 1)
[Posted by SlantRight
Published January 16, 2025
As usual, once these government criminals are confronted they show their true mendacious and cowardly colors:
Rumble VIDEO: OMG - Jamie Mannina (video 2)
[Posted by SlantRight
Published January 16, 2025
The entire illegitimate Federal government (and their unconstitutional agencies like the FBI, CIA, DoD, et al.) is waging a full spectrum war on We the People, and they are using the very monies that they steal via “income” taxes against America in order to maintain their power through social engineering, perpetual threat of State violence, and coups d'état.
Shortly after O’Keefe’s bombshell video aired, Jamie Mannina was fired from his “consulting” position, but how many other high paid traitors like this Pentagon contractor are still operating in the shadows?
And how many false flags and attempted assassinations are these criminals with unlawful national security clearances currently planning, with exactly what kinds of COG stratagems ready to be put into action against America?
They already tried assassinating Trump at very least two times in the lead up to the presidential election that they knew they could not steal again.
We are a mere four days away from President Trump’s second inauguration, which means that we are currently living through what may constitute the most dangerous time in America’s history.
The only way this truly ends is when the government fears We the People.
Thomas Jefferson Quote on Govt Fearing People (2nd Smartest Guy Photo)
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
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Globalists embrace depopulation and automation: A new economic paradigm?
By Mike Adams
January 15, 2025
The Health Ranger's newsletter
In a startling revelation that has sparked widespread debate, global elites are openly discussing the potential benefits of depopulation as a catalyst for the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. This controversial perspective, highlighted in a recent Brighteon Broadcast News segment by Mike Adams, suggests that countries with declining populations may have a strategic advantage in transitioning to an automated workforce. However, the ethical and social implications of this shift are raising alarms among critics, who warn of a deepening global divide between nations equipped to embrace automation and those left behind.
The conversation was ignited by comments from a BlackRock executive, who argued that shrinking populations in developed countries could accelerate the replacement of human labor with machines. "Countries that have shrinking demographics will rapidly develop robotics and AI technology," the executive stated. "If the promise of these technologies transforms productivity, as most of us believe it will, it could elevate the standard of living even with declining populations." This perspective challenges the traditional view that population decline is inherently negative, instead framing it as an opportunity for economic transformation.
The executive further explained that nations with restrictive immigration policies and declining birth rates would find it easier to substitute human workers with machines, avoiding the social complexities of integrating a growing labor force. "The paradigm of negative population growth is going to change," he asserted. "The social problems of replacing humans with machines will be far easier in countries with declining populations." However, this optimistic outlook is not without its critics.
Opponents argue that this vision of the future risks exacerbating global inequality. Countries with robust education systems, infrastructure, and rule of law may thrive in an automated economy, while those lacking these foundations could be left further behind. "For countries with rising populations, the answer will be education and rapid development," the executive acknowledged. "But for those without a foundation of rule of law or education, they're going to be left. That's where the divide is going to get more pronounced."
The debate underscores a broader ethical dilemma: should humanity prioritize technological advancement over the preservation of human labor? As AI and robotics continue to advance, the potential for job displacement across industries is becoming increasingly apparent. Mike Adams, in his broadcast, emphasized that no profession is immune. "Much of humanity is being replaced by AI systems," he warned. "AI software is replacing white-collar jobs, and AI robots are replacing blue-collar jobs, including in agriculture."
Adams recounted conversations with individuals in creative fields, such as graphic design, journalism, and law, who remain skeptical about the threat of automation. "They don't get it," he said. "They describe their job processes, and I tell them, 'You just described exactly what an AI agent can do right now.'" He pointed to the rapid evolution of AI tools, which can now perform tasks like photo editing, video production, and even creative writing with minimal human input. "It's not a question of if AI will make your job obsolete," Adams asserted. "The answer for almost everybody is yes, it will."
The implications of this shift are profound. As automation reshapes the workforce, individuals and societies must grapple with how to adapt. Adams urged listeners to consider how they can elevate their roles to stay relevant in an AI-driven world. "The real question is how you can position yourself to stay on top of AI automation," he said. "Otherwise, you risk being thrown into the depopulation category, which is what the globalists are doing."
This provocative discussion raises critical questions about the future of work, economic equity, and the role of humanity in an increasingly automated world. While some see depopulation and automation as a pathway to prosperity, others fear it could lead to a dystopian future where human labor is rendered obsolete and global inequality reaches unprecedented levels. As the debate continues, one thing is clear: the choices made today will shape the trajectory of societies for generations to come.
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Brighteon VIDEO: Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 15, 2025 – REMEMBER THIS if you want to survive 2025: Obedience to government is SUICIDE
[Posted by Health Ranger
January 15, 2025
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