Thumbing My Nose at Lying Censors
John R. Houk, Blog Editor
© October 3, 2022
I have kept a very small presence on Facebook since after maintaining a profile there for over a greater part decade while experiencing multiple Facebook jail sentences ultimately ending with a permanent ban of my original Facebook presence.
THEN I waited a couple of months and joined Facebook with new profile information primarily to reconnect with old graduating High School classmates (Class of 1975). Sadly being in Washington State I discovered too many of those Classmates were members of the Sheeple Darkside Dem-Marxist Party swallowing lying propaganda hook-line-and-sinker. BUT some were teen friends and acquaintances so - Que Sera, Sera – I avoid writing politics to old Classmates for memory’s sake.
Maybe it was an error on my part. I joined 10 Conservative-oriented Groups and a couple anti-Medical Tyranny Groups. Apparently a FB protected troll sifted through some of my old posts on the anti-Medical Tyranny Groups which have landed me AGAIN in Facebook Jail for about 5-days with an implied warning that if keep telling documented truth the Facebook Censors label “Misinformation”, I AGAIN could be permanently banned.
Yet another banning will not break my heart, because in all truth I spend a very limited time on truth-deficient Facebook. AND YET, I will miss checking some of the Class of 1975 because none of us are spring chickens any longer. I just hope I was not trolled by a Dem-Marxist Sheeple Class of 1975 and my current jail term is the result of downright Leftist Facebook Censors.
On the other hand, if I survive ye-old-permanent-ban, I’ll not be posting on Facebook much to stay in contact with the non-brainwashed. In case anyone is curious I belong to many other Social Platforms, some of which lack Facebook technical sophistication but censorship is not an issue. My largest presence is on MeWe. I’ve heard from others that they have face MeWe censorship as in mostly some form of shadow-culling. Fortunately for me I have not experienced one bit of censorship on MeWe. My MeWe profile:
In the spirit of thumbing my nose at Facebook, I have a couple of Bitchute videos that would undoubtedly raise the ire of their lying censors and an interesting cross post from Valiant News on faux-elected Biden’s Intel Brown Shirts redefining truth as “misinformation” to go after American Conservatives and Patriots who believe in the ORIGINAL premises of the U.S. Constitution prior to judicial fiat extra-constitutionally diluting ORIGINAL INTENT.
Posted by Rogue Nation Eternal Militia - Operation Rubicon
First Published May 18th, 2022 12:04 UTC
Hit Me With Your Death Shot mRNA!
(Bill Gates Parody)I hope you enjoy this hilarious musical parody aimed at Bill Gates, but on a serious note, below you will find more information on how to combat the COVID Plandemic.
Posted by 99Percent
First Published October 2nd, 2022 07:06 UTC
JRH 10/3/22
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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!
Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool To Unmask Anonymous Writers
The program will also be used to scramble linguistic patterns, making it impossible to crack the identity of authors that they wanted to keep under lock and key…
IARPA AI to Spy on Anonymous-Writers
September 30, 2022
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has announced they are developing an AI tool to unmask anonymous writers.
A press release on Tuesday from the ODNI revealed that the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), their research and development arm, is starting work on the Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure program – HIATUS for short.
“Humans and machines produce vast amounts of text content every day,” with “text containing linguistic features that can reveal author identity,” a document from IARPA notes. The HIATUS tool would therefore use AI to identify anonymous writers via features such as “word choice, sentence phrasing [and] organization of information.”
“Think about it as like your written fingerprint, right?” program manager Dr Timothy McKinnon said in February. “What characteristics make your writing unique? So the technology would be able to identify that fingerprint compared against a corpus of other documents, and match them up if they are from the same author.”
McKinnon said that the AI program would be used by the intelligence community to track “disinformation campaigns,” and combat “human trafficking and other malicious activities that go on in online text forums.”
In the same vein, HIATUS would be able to detect whether text was not authored by a human, but generated by another machine.
The second use of the HIATUS program is to hide the identity of authors that it wanted to keep under lock and key. Using the same system, HIATUS could rewrite and modify text so that those same linguistic fingerprints in a text could be scrambled, making it impossible to attribute authorship.
With AI models that use deep learning, they often function as a “black box,” where the AI works perfectly well, but their methods are undecipherable to the human eye. HIATUS will be designed differently, implementing “explainable AI techniques” so that human operators can understand why it has identified a text as having a certain authorship, so that no mistakes are made.
20 different contracts have been awarded as part of the HIATUS project, including to groups such as Raytheon, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Southern California.
“We have a strong chance of meeting our goals, delivering much-needed capabilities to the Intelligence Community, and substantially expanding our understanding of variation in human language using the latest advances in computational linguistics and deep learning,” McKinnon concluded.
According to the timeline provided by the ODNI, the project will take at least three and a half years to conclude before the intelligence community will be able to use it, if it is successful.
Jack Hadfield is the Associate Editor at Valiant News. An investigative reporter from the UK, and the director and presenter of "Destination Dover: Migrants in the Channel”, his work has appeared in such sites as Breitbart and The Political Insider. You can follow him on Gab @JH, on Telegram @JackHadders, or see his other social media by visiting
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