John R. Houk, Blog Editor
© March 1, 2025
1Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no [a]offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should [b]offend one of these little ones. [Luke 17: 1-2 NKJV (click to read margin notes a & b)]
There is a TARGET on unprotected and unsuspecting innocent children. The target agenda: HUMAN TRAFFICKING.
Some point fingers at an evil Deep State. Some point fingers at Human Trafficking Cartels. Some point fingers at the evil rich and famous who project money and power make them untouchable by the rule of Law.
I suspect there is are a combination of evil cohorts who simply regard themselves above the law.
I have four videos exposing this dark seeded and in some cases explicit tragedy. This should not be watched by the young. On the hand, EVERY CONCERNED PARENT should become aware on the target on their children:
o James O’Keefe Exposes Teenage Smuggler Loophole
o 366.000.000 Videos of Child Sex Abuse Circulating in the U.S. Alone
o Ally Carter who has been exposing P. Diddy
JRH 3/1/25
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Rumble VIDEO: James O’Keefe Exposes Teenage Smuggler Loophole
Posted by SlantRight
Published March 1, 2025
This video was found at Telegram Sergeant News Network ( Posted on 2/27/25 (
Sergeant News Network Description:
“James O’Keefe just EXPOSED a loophole for human traffickers, “When teenage smugglers are apprehended by border patrol, they are released back to Mexico”
One human trafficker was released back 20 TIMES and is allowed to keep smuggling people into America”.
Bitchute VIDEO: 366.000.000 Videos of Child Sex Abuse Circulating in the U.S. Alone
Posted by SlantRight2
Published March 1, 2025
This clip is from The 'Great Reset' Exposed ( posted on 1/19/25 (
The 'Great Reset' Exposed Description:
“There are 366.000.000 videos of child sex abuse circulating in the U.S. alone... This is the real virus, and the only vaccine is a guillotine.”
Posted by SlantRight
Published March 1, 2025
I found this interview at Telegram Steve Bannon ( posted on 12/30/24 ( I actually starting watching this interview with Anneke Lukas under the title ‘"Trained As A Spy At 10” - Sex Trafficking Survivor Anneke Lucas NAMES Her Billionaire Abusers’ ( on the Rumble Channel Free Your Mind Videos ( posted there on 12/4/24.
Steve Bannon Description:
“THE ELITE PEDOPHILE NETWORK: David Rockefeller named as a Top Pedophile in a global murderous blackmailing pedophile network by a surviving 9 year old sex slave victim. Evelyn de Rothschild, Pierre Trudeau, Kurt Georg Kiesinger and Eddy Arnold also named. Epstein trained babies.
In 1972 at 9 years old Anneke Lucas was brought into a Bilderberg Meeting where she was sold to many of these Elite Pedophiles who belonged to this global pedophile network. At another private meeting filled with singers and entertainers she had to have sex with many different men that were there at the time as a child. She also confirms a very famous woman that everyone would know was part of this network, but she will not release the name because no one would believe her.
When she was 9 years old David Rockefeller who is also a Eugenicist took her to several of his homes in the United States and told people that she was his niece from Paris while she was laying in his bed. She also confirms that David Rockefeller trained her to be an elite child sex slave spy in order to get incriminating personal information and blackmail from the men she would have sex with.
She says because of David Rockefeller taking a personal interest in her she no longer became a throw away child. Rockefeller sent her to Pierre Trudeau, (Justin Trudeau's Father) and could not please him because as she stated he would not be happy unless he could kill her. She gave this incriminating information to David Rockefeller so that he would know what Pierre Trudeau wanted in the future, a child to kill.
As a surviving adult she works with many child sex slave victims and says many people do not know this, but Jeffrey Epstein programmed and trained babies and children of all ages to be sex slaves. She goes on to say that millions of dollars are funded to the media and other sites to cover up this global pedophile network and many parts of the justice system are involved.
She is sharing her traumatic story because this global pedophile network must be exposed and they all must be held accountable. Many in this network are involved in Satanic rituals that often involve children. In the United States alone over 350,000 children have recently gone missing and are unaccounted for. We must defend and protect the innocent children by exposing and dismantling this global elite pedophile network of criminals, child rapists and murderers.”
[Blog Editor: Profanity Warning]
Rumble VIDEO: Ally Carter who has been exposing P. Diddy
Posted by SlantRight
Published March 1, 2025
***Profanity Warning***
This video is from Telegram Forbidden Truth ( Posted on 2/19/25 (
Forbidden Truth Description:
“Listen to Ally Carter who has been exposing P. Diddy since 2020.
"Freak offs" were Satanic orgies involving underground tunnels, child sacrifice, child rape, cannibalism, and every other abomination.”