John R. Houk, Blog Editor
© May 9, 2022 [UPDATED 6/2/24]
The Documentary 2000 Mules has ended in theatres. You can now catch it on video services. YOU as a voter should find it interesting there has been a huge Leftist push to suppress and censor access to viewing 2000 Mules because it demonstrates WITHOUT A DOUBT there was a criminal ELECTION COUP in a America in 2020. I am showing the Dinesh D’Souza link to 2000 Mules with the hope people will toss some financial appreciation to D’Souza, however it is fascinating my browser freezes up every time I go there. Perhaps you will have better luck:
I have noticed the Leftist so-called Fact Checkers have already begun the “DON’T BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE, RATHER BELIEVE WHAT WE TELL YOU” campaign. If you are a gullible who thinks your political party’s fundamental transformation of America is a good thing, you probably go into full sheeple-mode and believe your Leftist Fact Checker LIARS.
If you are a Bible-Believing and American Founding Documents supporting American despising the Dem-Marxist transformation into tyranny, TAKE HEED TO 2000 Mules!
JRH 5/9/22
READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. I need your generosity. PLEASE GIVE to overcome research expenses:
Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!
UGETube VIDEO: 2000 Mules - A Dinesh D’Souza movie
Posted by Gee Gee Tee
Published on 06 Jun 2023
[Blog Editor: I like the original description used before Bitchute flagged the video as a copyright infringement. To read the UGETube description, click the embedded link above the video.]
“2000 Mules,” a documentary film created by Dinesh D’Souza, exposes widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group True the Vote, “2000 Mules” offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of 10 trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of paid professional operatives called mules delivering fraudulent and illegal votes to mail-in dropboxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence, obtained from official surveillance cameras installed by the states themselves, confirms the geotracking evidence. The movie concludes by exploring numerous ways to prevent the fraud from happening again.